

Sissy” This!

Sis­sy” This!

I got called a lot of things grow­ing up. I was called a sis­sy from as ear­ly as I can remem­ber. That was the first and most com­mon. Then there were the oth­ers. I got called a fag­got before I knew what a fag­got was, a cock­suck­er before I’d ever even had the chance to actu­al­ly suck a cock, and a queer before I knew what it meant to be called one.

Over the years, and espe­cial­ly after I came out, I got over all of these names one way or anoth­er — all except one. Sis­sy. For some rea­son, it still both­ers me to hear some­one called a sis­sy.

The oth­ers? Who cares! We’re “Gay” now. Empow­ered. We appro­pri­at­ed fag­got and queer from the haters and made them our own. Any­body calls me a fag­got or a queer gets a “sure am, and proud of it” from me before I even think twice (some­times to the great con­ster­na­tion of my hus­band who tends to be a bit more cir­cum­spect and less of an activist than me).

I remem­ber being called a fag­got by some guys in a car on Duval Street in Key West (of all places), and before I thought about the pos­si­ble con­se­quences, I yelled back “Do you even know where you are? There are fag­gots every­where. Get over it.”

Back to the sto­ry though, “Sis­sy” still both­ers me. Not for my own sake of course. I’m way too old and too jad­ed to be called a sis­sy myself any­more (much less care if some­one did), but I still hear lit­tle kids get called sissies, and it both­ers me more than a lit­tle, most­ly because the kids get­ting called sis­sy prob­a­bly don’t even yet under­stand why the pejo­ra­tive term is get­ting lev­eled at them.

Sis­sy is unlike queer or fag­got or even gay. It’s hard­er hit­ting in some ways because it’s often the first inkling a kid gets that they are dif­fer­ent from “the norm.” Dif­fer­ent. And dif­fer­ent in what is evi­dent­ly con­sid­ered by the major­i­ty to be “a bad way.”

I per­son­al­ly hope sis­sy even­tu­al­ly falls into dis­use among humans, but espe­cial­ly among chil­dren, and bul­lies. I also hope (per­haps vain­ly) that peo­ple in gen­er­al can grow more under­stand­ing and accept­ing of boys with effem­i­nate qual­i­ties, and that sissies can become just the reg­u­lar kids they are.

Can humans do that? I’m not sure. Every day I see evi­dence that we are less able to evolve than I might hope, but I still hope that one day the word “sis­sy” can dis­ap­pear from our vocab­u­lary except pos­si­bly as a term on endear­ment for someone’s sis­ter. I just “might” accept that usage with­out get­ting angry.…