

I’m thinking there’s hope for gay marriage, and for equal rights.

Octo­ber 13, 2012 will be Stephen’s and my 29th anniver­sary as a cou­ple, and the fourth anniver­sary of our mar­riage. Seems like yes­ter­day and for­ev­er all at once. We’ve both lived with each oth­er longer than we either lived with­out the oth­er. I start­ed think­ing about this today because there were sev­er­al arti­cles in the paper regard­ing gay mar­riage. It con­tin­ues to be a hot top­ic, both because it’s an elec­tion year, and because Pres­i­dent Oba­ma endorsed it.

The arti­cle I found most inter­est­ing (and the one that prompt­ed this blog on the sub­ject) was regard­ing prop 8 news. It seems that one of the pri­ma­ry wit­ness­es who tes­ti­fied in favor of Prop 8 (David Blanken­horn) has now changed his mind (because, he says, “I had also hoped that debat­ing gay mar­riage might help to lead het­ero­sex­u­al Amer­i­ca to a broad­er and more pos­i­tive recom­mit­ment to mar­riage as an insti­tu­tion. But it hasn’t hap­pened,” Blanken­horn wrote. “If fight­ing gay mar­riage was going to help mar­riage over all, I think we’d have seen some signs of it by now.”).

You can see the entire arti­cle here, btw.…


Anyway.…after I read this, I just kept think­ing about how all the gay mar­riage foes were so con­vinced that it was going to destroy “tra­di­tion­al” mar­riage, and how iron­ic it was that this guy final­ly real­ized it would nei­ther hurt nor help “tra­di­tion­al” mar­riage.

Well, I for one, am proud to say that our mar­riage did not result in a com­plete break­down of civ­i­liza­tion, nor did it sin­gle hand­ed­ly destroy “tra­di­tion­al” mar­riage. Now I think it’s high time the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment (and all the idiots who still don’t get the fact that all we want is fair­ness and equal­i­ty) put an end to DOMA, rec­og­nize our marriage,and give us all the legal rights that go along with being mar­ried. Maybe I’m just embold­ened by the progress we’ve already made, and that’s why I’m think­ing it could hap­pen, but after all, I nev­er thought I’d see us get as far as we already have in my life­time. And to all those States who have out­lawed Gay Mar­riage (includ­ing my home State of North Car­oli­na), shame on you!