I recently lost a lot of data when an external hard drive failed. Despite all sorts of attempts at backing up information, one failure changed history, at least for me. You know how they say if you won’t remember it next year, don’t worry about it. I’ll remember this…
Loss of history…loss of work…loss of projects…loss of creativity…and time.
Loss of…
Poetry? Stories.… Bits of me.
I scoured every single hard drive and external hard drive and thumb drive I could find. I pulled files of poetry, and sorted through it all to find the most recent copies of everything. I confess it was a bit manic, but what do you do when you’re in fear of having lost yourself.
I decided I would share a lot of my older poetry on here so it would have a chance to live somewhere else (besides in my head and on a hard drive somewhere)…
First installment…from sometime in the eighties or early nineties…much of it is centered around Christianity, faith and religious dialogue. I won’t deny that much of it may be troubling to those with strong religious beliefs.…
Test of Faith. Test of Faith; a willing turn, down the road to insanity. More than crazy! In point of fact, Consumed! Driven by an angry God, to insanity, and a willingness to die, to hunt, to kill, to maim - all in the name of faith. ...and I thought I was Mad!