

Achings and Old Tidings.


Achings and old tid­ings
sig­ni­fy a start.
Sub­tle new begin­nings
pet­ri­fy the heart.


  Why here –

                     Forced into earth,

                what acci­dent of fate …

                  result­ed in this birth?

                        Why this –

                    Incon­sis­tent grace,

             What shame­less mis­ad­ven­ture …

                 pro­duced this angry place?

                         Why now –

                     Assault­ed by time,

              What mis­di­rect­ed Engi­neer …

                   cor­rupt­ed the sub­lime?

                         Heart­felt –

                  and care­ful­ly sculpt­ed.

                      Lov­ing­ly bound,

                 and painful­ly con­struct­ed.

                        Set free –

                    a debu­tante of fate.

                  Aspir­ing to great­ness ,

                 itself the prof­fered bait.


      Anger is a weak excuse

                  for what I need to feel.

                    Fury comes no clos­er

                  made fee­ble by my zeal.

                 Rage is just anoth­er word;

                     imma­ture emo­tion.

                 Fero­cious urges soothe me,

                    earn­ing my devo­tion.


    Have you seen it?

                  Have you seen my fright?

                   Did you give it leave

                to won­der through my night?

                     Have you heard it?

                  Have you heard my fear?

                   Did you bring me water

                   to wash away my tear?


 Intim­i­da­tion of the soul

                  by unsus­pect­ing mor­tals,

               Tends to cause a ten­der heart

                 to close away its por­tals.

                Often this poor con­se­quence

                   is sub­ject to belief,

               And nev­er hav­ing been applied

                   will offer up relief.


                  Queen of fire;

                       Pele’s friend.

                       Bride’s desire

                     with time to lend.

                       Bril­liant muse

                    from comets twinned.

                       Summer’s peak;

                      sweet div­i­dend.