



Yes­ter­day, on March 15, 2015, on what would have been my dad’s eighty first birth­day, my cousin David Sil­vers died. David was one year and four months old­er than me. He’d turned 59 less than a month ago. I will not be able to go home to attend David’s funer­al. I am cur­rent­ly in Mex­i­co (Cabo San Lucas) on a cruise ship, lead­ing a Gay and Les­bian Film Fes­ti­val (Cin­e­ma Diverse at Sea). Most of my group mem­bers are clos­er to my mother’s age than mine — in their mid to late sev­en­ties. I am con­scious, even at 57, of being prac­ti­cal­ly the youngest per­son on the trip. I am also acute­ly aware of all the old­er folks on board. And David is dead.