

Weight of the World

Weight of the World.

Decades lay waste to a but­ter­fly exis­tence.

Life in a blink can­not com­pete with eter­ni­ty

when the wind blows a dusty sen­tence out of time.

Dreams make trou­ble for those who can imag­ine the future

but know they will not live to see it.


Who can see the truth? Imag­ine it?

Not many.

I have see some­thing less than truth,

but not the thing itself

I have even tried to bring truth to life,

but have nev­er brought forth  more than faulty dreams and des­per­a­tion.



You can burn bright.

We all can.

It doesn’t mean you’re bet­ter -

only brighter.


Life does not pre­vail,

despite great wish­es,

and a heart’s desire.


Life does not pre­vail, and Dreams fail,

laid low by age and infir­mi­ty; life and real­i­ty.

This March is slow, and leaves no sur­vivors.

Hope for anoth­er answer fades as days pile up.