

Great T-Shirts I Have Known

Great T-Shirts I Have Known, part one…

Over the years, and I do mean over the years (you will see what I mean below), I have col­lect­ed t-shirts. Some to wear and some to have. All of them have dear mem­o­ries attached to them. Recent­ly, though, I decid­ed I need­ed to make some space in my life and in our house. That meant going through box­es, includ­ing the box­es of t-shirts I’d kept, but not worn in ages. I decid­ed it was time to lose the t-shirts, but pre­serve the mem­o­ries by tak­ing pho­tos of them before I let them go. Here are a few of them, along with the mem­o­ries they evoke for me. There is no par­tic­u­lar order, and it may take mul­ti­ple blogs (or at least mul­ti­ple sit­tings) to share them all.

Phys­i­cal Edu­ca­tion T-Shirt, Fresh­man, McDow­ell High School (real­ly Old Fort High School, 1972)

I told you this went back. Can you believe it? I saved my 9th grade phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion t-shirt. Although it says McDow­ell High School, this was the year before we were actu­al­ly con­sol­i­dat­ed (con­struc­tion was still under­way for the new high school and junior high), so we were still locat­ed at Old Fort High School. It was all new for me. My par­ents had moved us “onto the farm” in Old Fort over the Sum­mer and I was start­ing at a new school in the Fall. It was my first time…taking phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion, chang­ing clothes in front of a bunch of peo­ple, show­er­ing with a bunch of peo­ple, and doing any sort of phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion that wasn’t the team sports from ele­men­tary school. Ran­dom things I remem­ber include: com­ing around a bend in the school bus and see­ing a white clad fig­ure run out the back of their house and down to the outhouse…meeting friends with whom I still correspond…cutting and sell­ing pulp wood to make money…more.  Fond mem­o­ries from that time. Fond mem­o­ries of the year spent at the old high school.


Phys­i­cal Edu­ca­tion T-Shirt, Fresh­man, Wake For­est Uni­ver­si­ty (1975)

Keep­ing with the theme, I also saved my phys­i­cal edu­ca­tion t-shirt from my fresh­man year of col­lege at Wake For­est. I actu­al­ly enjoyed phys. ed. at Wake For­est, took sev­er­al class­es includ­ing golf, ten­nis and gym­nas­tics. Anoth­er ban­ner year, and one I will nev­er for­get.  First time away from home, first time liv­ing with oth­er peo­ple in a dorm (there were eight of us in a suite with four bed­rooms and a bath­room). For a kid who was an only child from rur­al West­ern North Car­oli­na, this was an edu­ca­tion all by itself. I can recall all my room­mates faces and names, although I nev­er kept in touch with any of them after col­lege. My own room­mate John D. Williams (from Ypsi­lante, Michi­gan, dropped out), Tom Mann (grad­u­at­ed), Rick Sears (trans­ferred to NC State after Fresh­man year), Richard K. (Rick) Pulling (grad­u­at­ed), Christo­pher Ingram (grad­u­at­ed and became a doc­tor at Duke), plus two more — David Dick­en­son, who trans­ferred (I think)and lat­er posed for Play­girl and his room­mate Karl Weist who played rug­by and didn’t dri­ve. He became a lawyer. The biggest les­son I learned that year was that no mat­ter how smart you might have thought you were, you weren’t. I’d been at the top of my class and Nation­al Hon­or Soci­ety, earned a schol­ar­ship to WFU (the only way my fam­i­ly could have afford­ed to send me there), and yet, almost flunked out (thanks large­ly to Cal­cu­lus) my Fresh­man year. Pub­lic school in West­ern North Car­oli­na (at least mine) did not pre­pare any of the three of us who went to WFU for the demands of col­lege. All three of us sur­vived, but none of us thrived that year. And yet in the end, we all did okay, and we grad­u­at­ed. I can­not say that for up to half of my Fresh­man class.

SpringFest T-Shirt, Sopho­more, Wake For­est Uni­ver­si­ty (1976)

My Sopho­more year, I dis­cov­ered SpringFest, and the 1972 movie, BROTHER SON, SISTER MOON by Fran­co Zef­firelli. I fell in love with the film and the music (per­formed by Dono­van). Lit­tle did I know exact­ly why I loved the movie so much at the time. Many years lat­er, I pur­chased a copy of the dvd so I could watch it again.…