Kiss Me Kate.

Kiss me Kate!

You fucking Bitch!

	You had it all! 
Easy. Everything!

	Husband (and a Hot one!),
Children (they loved you),
	and barely Knew me (queer uncles are like that).

And still you have the nerve to leave?

	The Nerve!

To just up and go! 
	On your own Terms, you said.
		Because it was just too much, you said!

Leave. Me. Leave them!

I am so angry!

But I am here now. 
and I will make sure these babies, and that man, 
	make it through this.

	You asked me. You knew I would be. 

Sitting here.  Without you.

	Watching other people cry.
Catching all the looks. 
	All the people thinking 
You should be sitting here
	instead of me!

It’s not even so much that I disagree.
	But You gave me no choice.

Just took yourself out of play.

So yeah. I’m angry. 

	But don’t worry. 
I can counter all these furies,
	Bear all the Barbs -
even be civil, sometimes.

Extend a little comfort when it’s needed.
	Even shed my own tears when no one else is looking.

But you’re not getting off easy.
	I’m still pissed.

You lie there, hidden from view
	safe from harm now,
Separated from your Pain, 
	but also from all your pretties!

Safe. And within in the arms of, who?


I don’t think so. 
	You wouldn’t either, dammit!

	Did I remember to call you that?
Because if I didn’t, 
	let me say it again.

Dying was the easy way out!



We were all the inheritors of the same set of genes, 
	more or less.

Changed, a little, 
	by the introduction of a separate set of fathers or mothers.

But overall, 
	all the same. 

We came out Ragged. 
	Ripped from the same tapestry, 
made from the same fabric,
	but built by different women’s wombs.

So where did we go different? 
	What specific splice made us come undone, 
fraying at the ends,
	falling further and further apart from each other?

	What kept one sane; caused one to fade -
Made another into a hermit.
	What was there deep inside us that turned us all apart,
and into such separate selves; with separate lives 
	and divergent desires.

What made one so obsessed with life and living; 
	another, not caring!
What kept one safe from addiction,
	while another turned first into an addict, 
and then into a whore.

Are some of us lucky to be still alive? 
	Still breathing, while others lie still?

Or is our future fraught with sorrows 
	you’re happy to have missed?

And how are we to know.

(No title)

Passing, Strange.

And so the days just keep on passing,
whether I do something with them or not!

Days. Pass.

Weeks and months turn into years.
and here I sit.

Looking back, I wonder -
Did I move?
Maybe make the World move?

Or was my sad intention,
too fraught with indecision?

Too -
Watered down.

Stuck in the shallow end of the talent pool
with no ability to swim deeper.

Did the Days Pass?

Weeks and months, and even years...

I’d like to think I made some moves.

Even if it was something smaller than I’d hoped for -
Something less than I had planned?

Too weak to make the Earth move,
but just maybe -

Enough to send some strange.



What did you want to be when you grew up? 

	Did you want to save the world? 

I’d be happy just to save a Soul or Two, 

	Maybe Mine!

Were there days when you - 

	Couldn’t cope?

I think the world was made for mediocrity.

	So maybe my contribution 
could count for something after all!

No Instructions.

No Instructions. 

I heard She left without instructions.
	No letter for the wise, nor words for the selfish.

She left no answers.
	Not even an unfinished song!

And so the pieces fall where they will,
	with All souls reaching their hands out for something -
Some “rightful” Thing they so richly (and urgently) desired, errr., deserved.

Some “knew she meant” to leave instructions.
	Others cried out for Justice, and a bigger share.

I stood apart 
	and wondered how the World would fare without Her.

Separation Anxiety…Seeing Stars.

Separation Anxiety.

You touch stars every day,
	Or so They say.

I can only view them from afar.
	See bright pinpoints, blinking and twinkling in the night.
		Tempting me, taunting me....

Why, then, do you choose to burden me with Stars?
	Make me See them -
		Wish to know them,
	Understand the Nature of Stars!

You know, it’s nothing more than foolishness -
	This need -
No, this damn desire
	to see Stars.

I could (should) sooner touch the Earth,
	smell fresh cut grass
(why on earth, does it not die after repeated cuttings?)
	roll myself in a field of fresh cut hay,
			or roll careless through someone else’s
		carefully raked piles of Autumn leaves.

I could, you know...
	and have,
		among other things,
			and on other occasions -
				When I have seen Stars!

	Oh, Damn you, Daddy!

That I should See Stars!
	With all the views on Earth that lie unseen,
		Why should you make me look up
			to see Stars!

You could have kept such things to yourself, you know.


Could have kept them, and all of us, closer -
	 Held us tighter in your Everlasting arms.
		Kept us safe from harm...and Dumb!



I keep hoping something will catch.
	I keep casting,

Never was a fisherman,
	but the concept works -
		so I keep fishing.

One of these days,
	something’s gonna catch.
		take the bait,
	and make me write things out.

Make me want to -
	Need to.
		Take my hand and put the story there.

Something will Catch.
	Keep me casting
		till the BIG one comes along.



Here’s my Heart.
you can have it,
If you want it -
If you’ll take it.

I’ve turned it out, you know.
set it to work,
and left it in the sun.

It need­ed to be tougher -
learn rougher skin.

This heart.
My heart.

Have you seen my heart late­ly?
You can have it if you will.
Take it shak­ing,

This heart,
My Heart!

You’d think it could take temp­ta­tion.
Afer all, it’s failed enough,
been a fool enough.
Been the Fool.

This heart.
My heart.

Lint head.

Lint head.

I nev­er heard the term “lint head” when I was grow­ing up. Nev­er knew any­body far enough removed from the cot­ton mills to learn that dis­parag­ing term. No. Names like “lint head” devel­oped in cities like Atlanta, where there were oth­er indus­tries, oth­er ways of life, and oth­er socio-eco­nom­ic lifestyles. It was a way to demean the coun­try come to town peo­ple who worked in the cot­ton mills. In the rur­al com­mu­ni­ty where I grew up, there was no diver­si­ty. Every­one either worked for the mill, had a fam­i­ly mem­ber who worked for the mill, or worked for a busi­ness that was either con­nect­ed to, or depen­dent on, the local mill. Lint head? For us it was a fact of life. You left the mill and brushed the lint from your hair and clothes, and went home. It was the same for every shift. Clock­ing in and clock­ing out. Clock­ing out and clock­ing in. Meet­ing and beat­ing pro­duc­tion quo­tas regard­less of the impact it had on your body or your health. Work­ing over­time when you could, and mak­ing ends meet when the orders were light.

I imag­ine it was the same way for com­mu­ni­ties that were cen­tered on oth­er sorts of indus­try. I remem­ber two neigh­bor­ing com­mu­ni­ties that were homes to paper mills. We made fun of them because of the nasty smells that emanat­ed from the paper mills. Maybe they called us lint heads. Nev­er thought about that. Fun­ny thing, per­spec­tive.

I don’t peo­ple from tex­tile mill towns or peo­ple from paper mill towns ever had any kind of names for the peo­ple who worked in com­mu­ni­ties where the only busi­ness was a meat pro­cess­ing plant. We just felt sor­ry for them. Tough jobs. Bloody jobs. Ugly jobs. When you left those assem­bly lines, you had to strip off your cov­er­alls and wash off your boots. I vis­it­ed one once. They paid well, but the smell and the blood and guts were things I could nev­er get past.

Lint head. I think now it was not so bad to be one.




I am descend­ed from a most­ly Euro­pean blend of peo­ple, all of whom have lived in the South­ern Tip of Appalachia for hun­dreds of years. This area, the South­ern tip of Appalachia, includes the moun­tain­ous areas of West­ern North Car­oli­na, East Ten­nessee, North Geor­gia and even a lit­tle bit of the North­west cor­ner of South Car­oli­na.

Most of the peo­ple who set­tled in these areas had arrived in North Amer­i­ca in the ear­ly 1600s and 1700s, and gone there from the North­east­ern and South­ern ports in search of new lives, reli­gious free­dom, gold, and land. They met the local Indi­an tribes, fought and warred with them, and lat­er, some­times inter­mar­ried with them. They had a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent view of them that peo­ple who lived out­side the area. These peo­ple were, for the most part, farm­ers. They hunt­ed, farmed, went to church, mar­ried young and pro­duced babies. They most­ly lived off the land, and most­ly that was a good way to live, at least until there was a hard Win­ter, or a Sum­mer when the crops failed, or a bad round of the flu swept the area, killing off many mem­bers of the pop­u­la­tion. These peo­ple could have remained in this part of the coun­try, large­ly undis­cov­ered and undis­turbed except for the incur­sions of war, when some would be con­script­ed to fight for one cause or anoth­er. And they fought. They were fierce­ly patri­ot­ic, even when they were large­ly des­ti­tute, and bre­ly able to pro­vide for them­selves.

In the long run, though — sev­er­al hun­dred years — the trou­ble with liv­ing off the land in a remote and rugged area is that there tends to be no cush­ion. No way to lessen the blows of bad weath­er and bad luck. In the ear­ly part of the twen­ti­eth cen­tu­ry, the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment came in and said the peo­ple need­ed help. They said that build­ing dams would stop sea­son­al flood­ing and pro­vide water in times of drought. That would at least bring some sea­son­al sta­bil­i­ty, and elec­tric­i­ty, to the area. It was con­sid­ered “progress,” despite the fact that it dis­placed hun­dreds of com­mu­ni­ties and thou­sands of peo­ple.

At about the same time, fac­to­ries and mills began mov­ing down from the North­east. So the fam­i­lies that had been dis­placed, and/or those that just need­ed to save the fam­i­ly farm, flocked to the fac­to­ries and mills for work, and ways to have a more sta­bile exis­tence. That’s what my grand­par­ents did.

They were part of an entire gen­er­a­tion that left the farms, either par­tial­ly or com­plete­ly, and moved into ready-made mill vil­lages. They got homes in exchange for work­ing t the mills. Homes with mort­gages that allowed them to even­tu­al­ly own the homes, and jobs in the mills that gave them the mon­ey to pay the afore-said mort­gages.

Life in large por­tions of South­ern Appalachia became defined by shift­work and pro­duc­tion quo­tas. Fam­i­lies grew, and par­ents made sure their chil­dren had places in the mills wait­ing for them when they fin­ished high school. It was a sim­ple life of sorts, not at all unlike farm life, except that it was gen­er­al­ly more sta­bile, more pre­dictable, and came with more com­forts, like insur­ance, com­pa­ny pic­nics, and over­time. Even the Great Depres­sion, when it hit the Unit­ed States, was some­what cush­ioned by the fact that the mills were busy turn­ing out prod­ucts for the Sec­ond Great War.

All that abun­dance that came in with the mills was not with­out its down­sides, though. Many mem­bers of the first gen­er­a­tion — the ones that had moved from the farms — con­tin­ued eat­ing and liv­ing like they had on the farms, despite liv­ing lives that, although per­haps no eas­i­er, were far more seden­tary. And that, plus habits like smok­ing and over eat­ing, even­tu­al­ly killed all but the most hearty mem­bers of that gen­er­a­tion — at least almost all the males. Heart dis­ease and clogged arter­ies, almost unheard of on the farm, claimed oth­er­wise healthy men in their fifties and six­ties.

Emphy­se­ma, brought on by smok­ing and the bad air in the mills, took more peo­ple, and can­cers, which prob­a­bly exist­ed, but no one knew what they were, took even more. The result was an entire gen­er­a­tion of wid­ows, all of whom lost their hus­bands to the “lifestyle” that was mill­work. That lifestyle, and the dan­gers inher­ent to it, con­tin­ued into the sec­ond gen­er­a­tion. I lost my dad, and saw many of my par­ents’ friends and neigh­bors suc­cumb to the same health issues. It was not until my own gen­er­a­tion that med­ical advances solved some of the prob­lems, and health­i­er liv­ing (plus new drugs) solved more.

That was the good news. The down­side, for my gen­er­a­tion, the last of the baby boomers liv­ing and work­ing in South­ern Appalachia, was that the mills began clos­ing, and all the jobs began mov­ing over­seas. Once again, the moun­tain peo­ple faced tough eco­nom­ic times. And although the “ser­vice” indus­try has tak­en a bit of the bite out of the area’s eco­nom­ic depres­sion, it still suf­fers from high­er than usu­al unem­ploy­ment, low­er over­all edu­ca­tion, and low­er house­hold incomes. Mod­ern times and the twen­ty first cen­tu­ry have cre­at­ed more diver­si­ty among these peo­ple, but, to me, the over­all future out­look for many of them still appears grim. I hate to see it. Hate to see fam­i­ly and friends face a less than cer­tain future in times that are more com­plex than ever.

I have to won­der, what will be the next lifestyle rev­o­lu­tion for the peo­ples at the South­ern tip of Appalachia? Will it come as a large scale change as it did when fam­i­lies left Europe for Amer­i­ca, or when fam­i­lies left their farms for the mills? What does the future hold for that great, and unique part of the coun­try? And when will nature, humans, or human gov­ern­ment decide that it is once again time to inter­vene.…

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