The Mountain Home Series: Wandering the Desert.

The Mountain Home Series: Wandering the Desert.

I look out now,
        and it’s all browns around me -
Rocks, and Sand.
		Rough, and Raw.

There is no softness here -
	Nothing to ease the soul into believing
		man might make some lasting impression
on this place.

The atmosphere reeks of Risk,
	Of Riving -

And the Land delivers on that Promise.

Shrieking Winds blast out of rock strewn Canyons,
	 Unforgiving gusts whose only purpose
		is to recapture
	 all the Wildness that was lost
when man first appeared here -
	chose to build here.

Earthquakes join the fray on occasion,
	and shake the land -
		pulling rocks up,
			and mountains down.

Bear witness.

This may be a beautiful land,
	but it ain’t pretty - 

		Does not intend to be.

It is Nature, newly formed -
	With a Will, both wild and wanton,
		One that would rather crush and rend,
			than send any sort of message
that life outside its terms
	can ever last.

It is...

So unlike my Home,
	and yet here IS home.

And what was,
	cannot be.
		at least not -
For me.

School Bus Cravings

School Bus Crav­ings.

See this emp­ty seat beside me?
I’m just sit­ting here,
hop­ing some sweet some­body will take it,
and talk to me; take me as a friend -
that’s what I want; it’s what I need!

Will you? Take it?
Take me on, and make me pret­ty,
Make me spe­cial; make me loved!
Will you some­how, love me, some­how touch me -
make a flower from a weed!

See this emp­ty seat beside me?
I know you can see -
there are oth­er seats besides this one.
but none that need fill­ing as much as this seat,
No one that needs a friend as much as me.

Won’t you? Take me?
Make me smile, and know I’m spe­cial -
take my heart; at least a part!
and some­how, teach me, some­how reach me -
help this hope­ful heart to heal.

Dan­ger­ous Mind.

A gift­ed child’s a hand­ful -
Hard­er still, when the gifts are great,
and the mind is full!

What is Reality (and Who)?

What is Real­i­ty (and Who)?

Who am I?
Am I the per­son I think I am -
the per­son you think I am,
or the per­son they think I am.

I pick “E” — None of the above.

Real­i­ty is mal­leable at best;
unde­fin­able at worst.

Who I am
is changed each time it is reflect­ed
through my own mind.

More still, when reflect­ed
through the mind
of anoth­er sen­tient being.

I think the best that any of us can hope for
is that our attempts to be the best,
trans­late into and back from
oth­er peo­ple in some sim­i­lar fash­ion.

Each take at an action -
each take at “I am”
goes out in a mil­lion pieces
before com­ing back to us
as reflec­tions seen by oth­ers.


Is it hard­er to be who every­one thinks you are,
or who you know you are?

Hard­er to live with­in the per­cep­tions of the world,
or with­in the whole­ness of your heart?

And what is right? Where is Truth?
Who is best served — more adjust­ed; less insane?

I know a truth that is impos­si­ble.

And yet it IS truth.
IS real.

For more than half a cen­tu­ry,
this truth has lived in dark­ness -
Removed —

From real­i­ty,
and the hope that it might fade
with the pass­ing of time.

But noth­ing is so sim­ple.
No heart, no hope, no truth.

And real­i­ty?
That’s what we live.
Truth remains, though -
Stays there, wet and weep­ing.
an incon­ve­nient hon­esty
left drip­ping out­side
after the rain.

You Can’t Bring Back the Dead.

You can’t bring back the dead.

Rumors of a simple resurrection
	fall short of the Real Thing,
when ashes to ashes, 
	and dust to dust kick in.

And then there are the worms - 
	Held off for a while by the vapors of formaldyhyde,
and any number of other vile chemicals.

But never left without a way back in...
	time alone tells how long such creatures wait
until feasting on the dead.

Better to burn, I say.
	Scatter out quickly,
and be done with decisions
	left to family and friends.

They have enough reasons to fight, 
	and suspect one another 
of every sort of disrespect, 
	or infidelity, or worse....

Here’s the truth.

Dead is dead, and gone is gone.

The only ones who care one way or the other,
	are the ones left behind to pick up pieces, 
	hold yard sales, 
and deal with charities,
	either yours or theirs.

You can’t bring back the dead.

If somebody ever did,
	Jesus, maybe,
He had no idea how much trouble 
	he was causing.

How many deaths - 

How many heartbreaks.

You can’t bring back the dead - 
	except with memories.

Time Flies…

Time flies.

	Time flies. We pause, 
thinking we might fall beneath its notice.

And if, by chance, it carries on, 
	we think we might have won -

at least for the moment.

Then our eyes adjust.

	We have been seeing, 
but too closely.

Time has passed,
	but not before taking us 
		into its caustic embrace.

We have been moved
	while standing still.

12/14/2015 Ditties

Ever the struggle - 
	and ever more the pain.

Never knowing comfort;
	terminal refrain.

i should wish for something simple!
	something easy; something sane - 

i should hope for something common -
	less inclined to foster pain.
Bathe my brain in hormones -
	let the chemicals run free.

I hope to change my outlook,
	or maybe just be who I aim to be!

It is not that who I was, was wrong;
	Not wasted, nor unwell.

But sometimes I need a life raft 
to pull me up from Hell.



Just a couple of Misfits.....

Wild Boy.

I used to know this Wild boy -
	Sweet, but not tidy.

He had a way about him
	that would remind you
of unlocked doors,
	and wrinkled shirts.

I know he never tried
	to keep order at arm’s length.

Not on purpose, anyway.

He just attracted devilment
	with every move he made.

He was full to overflowing -
	with art,
		and heart,
			and mischief.

All that,
	and the kind of smile
		that reached all the way
			up to his eyes.

You knew he was a rascal
	the minute he flashed that smile.

But you never cared.

I guess he came across
	a little hard-edged to some,
but he wasn’t.

He had a heart so big,
	and full of love,
that it brought tears to my eyes
	more times than not.

Like most Wild Boys,
	you couldn’t help but like him -
love him, really.
	Everybody who knew him did.

He had a line of suitors,
	hoping to catch his eye.
and although sex was never far
	from the surface,
it was love he hoped for - 

	and intimacy - 

Both of which he often found elusive,
	as they can be with Wild boys,
		and people in general,
	who turn left instead of right.

I suspect that in the end,
	it was the hole in his heart
that brought him down.

An emptiness -
	A Stillness,
		a sickness of the Soul.

	Few people survive it - 

Even Wild boys.


Shopping today,
I saw a whole section of paper bags.

	They sat, unattended -
In the middle of the bread aisle.
	Stacked high.

Took me back four decades - 

	I remember packing bags like that.
Making lunches, or dinners.

	Depends, I guess, what you call it
when your day begins at 3pm
	and runs to midnight.

	Shift work. Quotas.
Production lines.
	A whole segment of my life
that still lives, not only in my memory,
		but also in my mind’s eye.

Shopping today,
	I saw a world that was never part of me,
but WAS part of me just the same.

I felt as far away from that world as I did
	the day I lived it.

But I lived it.
	Stacked spools, gathered spent ones,
		bent my back, and stretched high
to place filled ones
	on spinning machines -

Like so many spinning plates in a magic act.

But there was no magic there.

There was - 

	Hard work.
		Broken backs, and spent dreams.

I watched, knowing I was bound to escape -
	Leave those paper bags behind.

I’d forgotten them til today - 

Paper bags,
	production lines,
		tomato sndwiches -
and foreign relations.

Standing Outside.

Some people said She was not quite right,
	but I never saw that.

It was true,
	She came from places,
and maybe, saw some
	that most of them had never seen,
		except out of the corner of their eyes.

Right at the edge - 

And at the Edge,
	of everything they expected,
		and everything they knew.

But She was not crazy.

She was Wild, for sure,
	but not wanton.

Graceless, in a way, and yet,
	full of Grace.

Loyal as the hounds she raised,
	and just as hungry for hunting.

She made a case for understanding,
	and the acceptance of people outside the norm
just by being.

I never thought she’d intended to stand outside.

It was just where life put her,
	and changing it was beyond her grasp,
like choosing not to be.

Some said she might have fit in better somewhere else,
	but that would have meant leaving. 

And she meant to stay here,
	wanted it - 

Was anchored in this Place,
	and with the People
		who brought her into this World.

Her people, and yet not.

I think they looked at her just like most people did -
	without ever understanding who she was.	

But they never pushed her out to the edge,
	or over it.



I am as prone to foolishness,
	and to stupidity,
		and to just plain naivity,
As I ever was.

I am the same small child
	with the same small beliefs, 
		and the all too righteous understanding 
that I have understood
all at once and all too well,
		and that, therefore I know it all,
			and that what I understand, 
and therefore know, is right.


We do not change much, 
	in the end.
The last accounting comes in quite close to the first.

And I am oftentimes left wondering
		what purpose the process had in mind 
when first I found a form,
	then took it to myself.

Took it, and braved birth, and all this foolishness again, 
	and for what.

We do not change much, when we begin again.
	All the lessons must be relearned.

All pain and foolishness relived, 
	the battles and the blood refelt and fought.

And in the end, here I sit, 
	Foolish and Bloody all over and over again!

Yard Dog

Yard Dog.

Shake it. Curse It, and break teeth!
	Twist and turn,
		Jerk, and Learn - 
The Limits!

I froth and fume.
	Hurt myself for the sake of freedom,
then feel pain.

Feel the hard edge of this mean chain.

Just one mistake.
	I could escape.

Other than the One way.



Trolls hide under bridges most of the time.
	Only on occasion do they venture out to see the sun
and the sights
	and the men of the daylight world.

Only then, and with great caution.
	For although Trolls are much stronger than men,
They are also much more fragile,
	more easily hurt by the sorts of barbs
men throw about like darts,
		when the game is hot and the beer is cheap.

More easily shaken, stricken -
	by the sorts of statements men can make
without compassion
	because they believe themselves more blessed
		(at least in their own minds).

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